Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Issues in Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Issues in Management - Essay ExampleInvestigation was carried out onward Houston offered to purchase the company. Although the deal failed, Enron assets were made the largest corporate bankrupt in the history of United States corporations.The collapse of Enron serves as a lesson for managers and all sub-versions of company management controls. The meteorologic rise and down fall of the company astonished groups of people thereby becoming a dream for researchers to unveil what led to such misfortunes however, the entire trial by ordeal has ever since remained a nightmare for all former and current stakeholders of the company. The companys downfall is associated with individuals born with greed and in atmospheres on corporate arrogance. However, many a(prenominal) people kept on bargaining stock thus, making it buy risk deals.After some time, Enron was then bought from the northern of Houston Natural gas. In the union process, the company incurred huge debt and lost its rights to p ipeline. To revive its operations, the company decided to initiate new ideas and formulate new strategies that would help to generate cash flow and just profits. On the other hand, to regain its stability, the company hired Jeffrey Skilling, a young consultant with good skills in banking and liability management who created gas bank whereby, Enron could buy gas from suppliers and sell it to consumers. This activity brought about huge profits and created new product as well as new paradigm for the company. Under the leading of the young consultant, the companys finance corporation soon dominated the market with many contracts and good access to suppliers. The number of customers was also seen to multiply. Its gained market power was utilized on predicting future prices with accuracy. Skilling begun to change the culture of the company to much its transformed image as a trading business entity. For instance, he

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